I've had approxiamately 18 molotovs thrown at me in a row (my FPS did not appreciate this) because I was trying to sneak and avoid rather than attack. This mechanic is ridiculous, but you just have to adapt to it by avoiding situations where they will throw them. Butt Stallion cosmetic pack, A number of cosmetic items, such as a weapon trinket and grenade mod adorned with the image of Borderlands beloved diamond horse. Its called Galactic Warfare, as named its a Star Wars Mod for Call of Duty. I absolutely hate that enemies have unlimited grenades to throw at you. Fallout 4 weapon mods & customization guide shows you how to modify your.

Judicious use of sprint will help immensely at higher difficulty levels. Take advantage of the cover around you and when you lob some grenades of your own, remember that walls, barriers, cars, and other solid objects will block the detonation and damage. Once you've gone to DANGER and they know where you're at, get in there and lay waste. If you're going to cover and snipe, do it from a distance. I've noticed a lot of enemies like to hide and snipe unless you are doing the same, then they'll charge at you lobbing grenades to flush you out.

Originally posted by Mringasa:You should be charging in, ducking and moving from cover to cover, and spamming your own grenades at them.