Camping in ffa: Hide in a tree and wait for everyone else to kill each other.Freeze your opponent with G or Q and spam random attacks on your keyboard until your opponent dies Invincible in 1v1: Use Explosive Nova and a champion that nerfs a lot of damage (preferably Boros or Sasuke) and you will take 0 damage when your opponent uses Conquerer's Haki on you.Boss: Use Explosive Nova and Made in Heaven's V move and then use Q + R + T + Y + F + G + J and then jump and use E + U + P + L + B + N + M and repeat this process until the boss dies.When the quirk stun is over, use Ice Blast, Conquerer's Haki or Amaterasu. Tournament: Equip Overhaul or Half-Hot-Half-Cold or Hellflame and Explosive Nova and walk towards your opponent and freeze your opponent with the C move and then spam random keys on your keyboard until your opponent dies.Remember to pause 1 second the moment you press the keybind for an attack, so hopefully you will stay suspended in the air for as long as possible. Then you use Soru to dodge out of the boss's range since he will be underneath you, run away a bit further, then jump in the air again and repeat combo. > When boss spawns, jump up high, and press one key for RasenShuriken, (1 sec pause) then Tailed Best Bomb, (1 sec pause), then Fire Fist, (1 sec pause), then Multi Bomb Rasenshuriken, (1 sec pause). EZ Nine-tail/Kaido Boss Win: Equip Sakura Champion for small healing, and equip Yuno's Grimoire.Make sure to Soru away after you are done comboing and wait for your king crimson to get its C move back. SURPRISE #: Equip King Crimson, and when match starts, use C and then Soru ( N) to teleport closer while invincible, and then do B + Y + E + R + F + G.After you hit the C, do Q + E + R + F + G + H + T + Y. When the match starts, use Soru ( N) to teleport closer and use B, walk closer to your opponent, and use C. 10% Rage Quit: Equip your sword and Overhaul, along with Springlike Limbs and a damage buffing champion (preferably Boros).If opponent still not defeated, find the perfect time to use Conqueror's Haki and repeat combo.

If opponent is still not defeated due having a brain and using damage nerfs -> Y+ U -> Switch to Half-Hot Half-Cold -> Z + R + F + G + H + J + K + L + B (basically spam all your moves) -> Soru away so opponent can't immediately counter attack.

1V1 Pro Destroyer: Follow "1V1 Noob Destroyer" steps.If all the moves land, this combo could instantly kill a player with no damage nerfs (Champion or Springlike Limbs). 1V1 Noob Destroyer: Equip Springlike Limbs, Boros Champion, and Light Fruit -> Spam Soru as countdown begins in order to glitch and teleport across the arena before game starts -> X + M + Q + E + T.P: Blade Whirlwind/Rock, Paper, Scissors/Perfect Susanoo etc.