(where 'image' is the name of your portrait, so for example you could have dwarf_lg.PNG)ģ) How to insert a custom portrait into your Tyranny game Tyranny requires portraits to follow a naming convention as follows: The ratios for these images are slightly different - the smaller image is slightly more 'squat', so if you're cropping/resizing down an original image, you may want to grab two slightly different pictures to get a good match, making the smaller image slightly wider.Ģ) How to name your portrait so that Tyranny understands it

PNG filetype and two images, one at 210 width x 330 height (pixels) and one at 76 width x 96 height (pixels). Tyranny, like Pillars of Eternity, requires a. Hopefully people will add their own portraits to the ones I'm going to add in my post.ġ) Portrait dimensions/filetype

Since there doesn't seem to be a portrait thread for Tyranny yet, I thought I would make one.